Ganeti with Xen and Saltstack

This Ganeti configuration provide Virtuals Machines on Debian 8 or Ubuntu 14.04 with debootstrap via an automated script and can make clone of VMs.

alt tag

Virtuals Machines configurations

  • Own /boot virtual drive
  • Own kernel
  • LVM configuration based
  • SWAP partition
  • Somes pkgs like vim, htop, screen, git ...

System requirement

  • Debian 8 with Xen 4.4, Ganeti v2.12.4, DRBD 8.4.0
  • Volume Group "vgganeti"
  • At least 2 nodes
  • The "os" folder in /usr/share/ganeti/
  • The "instance-debootstrap" in /etc/ganeti/
  • Folders /srv/ganeti/ must exist

Automated creation and cloning script V0.1 - Create or Clone Virtuals Machines

A script for create and clone Virtuals Machines simply !

alt tag v0.1 - Create or Clone Virtuals Machines
Author: Valentin OUVRARD
Usage: --name <NAME> --disk <DISK> --ram <RAM> 

### Options:

    --name    <VM_NAME>     New virtual machine hostname
    --disk    <DISK>        Disk size in gigabytes (G|g)
    --ram     <RAM>         Memory size in gigabytes (G|g)
    --vcpu    <VCPU>        Virtual CPU number
    --nodes   <NODES>       First node and second node(1st:2nd) 
    --clone   <CLONE>       Name of a VM to clone
    --variant <OS>          Choose between trusty and jessie (by default)
    --no-confirm            Disable VM creation confirmation

### Networking options:

    --ipv4    <IPV4>        Virtual machine IPV4 Address 
    --gw      <GW>          Virtual machine IPV4 Gateway
    --netmask <MASK>        Virtual machine IPV4 Netmask (CIDR)
    --ipv6    <IPV6>        Virtual machine IPV6 Address 
    --vlan    <VLAN>        Specify a VLAN for eth0 (none by default) 

### Advanced Disk options:  (in gigabytes)

    --root    <ROOT>        Give the / partition size
    --boot    <BOOT>        Give the /boot partition size (in megabytes)
    --swap    <SWAP>        Give the SWAP partition size
    --tmp     <TMP>         Give the /tmp partition size (in megabytes)
    --usr     <USR>         Give the /usr partition size
    --var     <VAR>         Give the /var partition size
    --vlog    <VARLOG>      Give the /var/log partition size
    --plain             Create the VM with plain disk (no drbd)

### Examples:

    ./ --name vm1 --disk 15G --ram 2G
    ./ --name vm2 --disk 15G --ram 2G --var 4G --ipv4

